Cyberne - review

Guitar/Scream Katsunori Tanaka
Akira Inada
Kenzi Nakamura
Drum/Psycho Takuya Myojo

Cyberne started in Osaka, Japan since 1999. They just been developing their own vision of what thwy call japanese aggresive Psycho-rhythm,with influences ranging from Dazzling Killmen and Melt Banana to Jesus Lizard and Zeni Geva.

just wanna have some fun bebeh!

Sepatutnya Cyberne akan performe kat penang on 4th Dis ritu tp ada masalah sikit terpaksa la ditunda kepada 5hb. nak tak nak, depa dah on-the-way to penang. the show must go on. so, decide to do some jamm session only. fees pulak by donate. nothing much to think, just enjoy the fuckking awesome cyberne! Walaupun gig hanyalah by donation, tp semua sangat-sangat enjoy. Not too crowd, just nice! ;) Sorry about the picture. Hanya ini shj yg dapat di tayang-kan. Picture pun guna camera orang, so terhad la. Kena tnggu aku pakai dslr dulu br nk letak pic berlambak okey? ;)